Scavenger Hunt Feb. 25, 2021

From the Pastor’s Desk – August

Did I really say, back in May, that Church life slowed down in the Summer? We’ve been buzzing with activity, from Youth Activities to Vacation Bible School, to numerous special services in the life of various church members, and we’re only starting to look to pick back up as we head closer and closer to the school year!

It’s also, of course, quite hot these days. Which makes writing one of these more difficult than I would normally prefer, but life goes on.

I hope you all are enjoying your Summers and taking some time to consider the life of faith that you are leading, and what you want that to look like. In the sermons we have been addressing, the work that we do, the times and places we worship, who and when we help. That isn’t just me talking… it can really help, sometimes, to have a plan.

So long as you remain ready for God to throw you a curveball.

Pastor Dan