From the Pastor’s Desk – September


So don’t look now, but sometime around the time you get this copy of the Lamplighter, I will have been the Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of West Salem for a YEAR. I certainly had no idea what I was getting into then, a lot has happened in the interim.

That’s kind of the fun thing about Church work, though. You never really know what any day will bring. Some stay slow, others get really busy, sometimes you just do paperwork, others people need to talk to you about what is going on in their lives. Every time I walk through those glass doors I have no idea what God has in store for me.

All in all, it’s a pretty good gig. Thank you all for bringing me here, and for whatever surprises you might have for me in the year to come.

Speaking of the year to come, be sure to keep your eyes open. Sunday School will be launching soon, so be watching out for those announcements. I can tell you off the bat that Adult Sunday School, which will be following the sermons in the lectionary (a bit of a preview of the Sermon before I start preaching it) will be starting on September 11th, and this year we will be starting a new Confirmation class as well as a new members class, so watch out for those announcements when they come!

Here’s to a new year of church programming… whatever that might bring us!

Pastor Dan