Tis a Season!
I am writing this to you in preparation for Thanksgiving, but by the time this Lamplighter arrives, the church will be thinking Christmas, as the Sanctuary gets decorated and the snow starts to fall (again, we had our first snowfall a few weeks ago now) and the church prepares for its celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.
I’m excited about this season, because all the stops are coming out. Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year, and we will be celebrating with a host of music, our usual, our choir, our bells, the band, maybe even a hapless pastor on Guitar.
It is a time to celebrate, to make a joyful noise, to allow the worries of the winter and the dark to fade before the joy of song and music and candlelight.
Sometimes, of course, that is easier said than done. Sometimes seasonal grief gets us down, sometimes the pain of a current context trips us up. And that’s okay, in those times, we come to places like church not because we feel joyful, but to see the joy of others and share at least in its memory and remember that such times will return for us eventually, too.
So from Pastor Dan, a very happy Holidays to all of you, and I hope you’ll join us in our celebrations.